Creativity, Empowerment and Success: Three Business-Owners Showing Us the Way

With the Latin American community being one of the fastest growing groups in the UK, it should come as no surprise that we’re having a significant impact on British society. From festivals and food, to art, music and businesses, Latin American initiatives can be seen more and more often. 

However, mainstream media has not provided enough space for us to show our talent, dedication and ambition. Often, young Latinx people might still struggle to find role models with similar backgrounds to look up to, and feel inspired and motivated.

Because of this, in this series of interviews we will be featuring some incredible self-employed Latinx women based in London about their businesses, their motivations and how their sense of identity has influenced their lives and career choice. Click on the names below to be redirected to each interview!

Emily Ospina Ruiz – Designer

“My goal is to create a huge community for people on their journey of self-discovery – providing tools, resources and support.” 

Amber Donoso – Musician

“I always say to myself: If I’m not doing it or working on something, someone else is. You only live once and you’ve got to live life to the fullest.”

Laura Murillo – Lifestyle and motivational coach

“I’m constantly challenged by choosing to face my fears and just do the work regardless of how scary it feels. I’m constantly stepping outside of my comfort zone and I’m open to learning new things along the way.”

Danielle Kosky

My mum is from Colombia and my dad is from London, however I had a very Colombian upbringing. In trying to have a deeper connection to my heritage, I decided to study Spanish and English literature at university. I now work in sales within the translation industry. My passion in life is reading and learning about new cultures, which works very well as I learn so much from the vast array of stories out there!




Y los Hijos, ¿Para Cuándo? Thoughts on Motherhood


Business Owner: Emily Ospina Ruiz